Celebrating Impact: Bringing Volunteering to life, The Volunteer Centre


It’s hard to not think of The Volunteer Centre when you talk about voluntary work or events around Chesterfield and Derbyshire; from bringing charities and groups together for their annual awards celebrating the fantastic work being done in our communities, to being always able to rely on them at collaborative events and workshops looking at how we can gain strength from working together as the VCSE, and of course their daily work putting volunteers in the right spots to make a difference. Today, we're taking a closer look at this organisation's journey, their collaboration with Derbyshire Voluntary Action, and the remarkable impact they’ve made through community engagement.


The Heart of Volunteering:

The Volunteer Centre mission is clear: to connect potential volunteers with organisations in need and provide invaluable advice and support to volunteer-involved organisations. Being a broker for volunteer places, and expert advocates for organisations to rely on to understand and the infrastructure, challenges, and successes in finding the right support for volunteering.


Navigating Challenges:

Navigating day-to-day challenges is essential to the success of The Volunteer Centre. While some days may present greater obstacles than others, the team approaches each challenge with determination and resilience, knowing that our collective efforts will lead to positive outcomes in the end.


Proud Achievements:

Undoubtedly one of their proudest achievements in the past year has been receiving the King's Award for Voluntary Service. This prestigious honour serves as a testament to the dedication and impact of the team and volunteers and recognises the tremendous work that they have done. If you want to read more about this tremendous accolade you can read the full story on the Derbyshire Times website here.

 Community Engagement:

The Volunteer Centre has been a great advocate for the work we have been doing, and a steadfast supporter of the events and collaboration Derbyshire Voluntary Action has led over the past few years. Being able to put passionate, knowledge speakers at the front of a room has been invaluable to explaining the impact and importance of the VCSE across our events.

An Invite to get Involved:

Wondering how you can join in their mission? It's simple – just go and see them! Whether you're interested in volunteering, accessing services, or learning more about the organisation, they’re always there to welcome you with open arms.


Looking Ahead:

As we continue our journey forward, we're excited to see Derbyshire Voluntary Action leading the way in negotiating and advocating for effective collaboration within the sector. Their ground-breaking work has bridged the gap between the third sector and beyond, and we're eager to see this momentum continue in the years to come.

I feel it is a ground-breaking project and has bridged the gap between the third sector and others.  This work needs to continue
— Dave Radford - Chief Executive, The Volunteer Centre

 Join the Conversation:

We invite you to join us in celebrating the power of community engagement and collaboration. Share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas for the future – together, we can unlock even greater impact and create positive change in our communities. Let's make this journey together!