Community Corner starts soon at St Helena!

A key aspiration here at Community Chesterfield is for community groups to come into St Helena regularly to have face-to-face encounters with the University where all the goodwill and energy on both sides can be shared! We are delighted that this will be happening from October 16th 11.00am -1.00pm when our first ‘Community Corner’ pop-up, drop-in will take place to be continued every Wednesday after that (except for school holidays).

ACCA, the Afro-Caribbean Community Association in Chesterfield, will run our first Community Corner on Wednesday 16th October 11.00am-1.00pm in the Refectory. ACCA, based nearby at Market Hall, run a fantastic array of social, wellbeing and creative sessions for their members including a lunch club, exercise, trips and craft groups.

Al-Anon takes up the second slot on 23rd November. Al-Anon provides support to the friends and family of people who are misusing alcohol.

Community Corner takes place in the Refectory at St Helena from 11.00am-1.00pm every Wednesday except school holidays.

ACCA Visit 30.7.19.jpg