The Heart of Care - Unpaid Carers and Derbyshire Carers Association

In Derbyshire, there are over 118,000 unpaid carers, each of whom plays a vital role in the lives of those they care for. People putting their lives on hold to be there for someone close to them that needs them through difficult circumstances both short and long term. Derbyshire Carers Association provides support to thousands of these carers each year, offering a lifeline to those in need of assistance and guidance.

Unpaid carers—who tirelessly dedicate themselves to the care and support of their loved ones are an invaluable part of keeping our communities going. Today, we shine a spotlight on the remarkable work of Derbyshire Carers Association, an organization committed to supporting and empowering these unsung heroes.


Derbyshire Carers Association’s mission is: to provide vital support and assistance to unpaid carers across Derbyshire. From practical advice and information to emotional support and respite services, they are dedicated to ensuring that carers have the resources and support they need to navigate their caregiving journey with confidence and compassion.


The day-to-day challenges faced by carers are manifold and often overwhelming. From managing complex medical needs and navigating bureaucratic red tape to balancing caregiving responsibilities with work and personal life, carers face a myriad of obstacles on a daily basis.

“When I found myself suddenly in a position as an unpaid carer I didn't know what to expect, or what help was out there, in a difficult situation, finding time to work out what help was there for me was a little overwhelming. Derbyshire Carers Association was a lifeline to me - visiting me and explaining their role in supporting me as a person and carer, and to help me look after myself. As well as talking me through what additional help was available, where even if I didn't need it, just knowing it was there made a huge difference”. - Daniel. Derbyshire Voluntary Action


The impact of unpaid carers in Derbyshire cannot be overstated. These individuals play a vital role in our communities, providing invaluable care and support to their loved ones. Without their tireless dedication and selflessness, many vulnerable individuals would struggle to maintain their independence and quality of life. From peer support groups, individual assessments for support for that carer specifically, training, and social events. The task of Derbyshire Carers Association brings carers together and lifts them up.

There are many ways to get involved with Derbyshire Carers Association and support their mission. Whether you're interested in volunteering your time, and have a few hours to spare each week or can offer your skills and expertise in a specific area, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and make a meaningful impact, can donate to help, or simply spreading the word about their services, your support can make a real difference in the lives of carers across Derbyshire.


Derbyshire Carers Association, are proud to stand alongside and support unpaid carers, providing them with the support and assistance they need to navigate their caregiving journey with dignity and resilience. Together, let's celebrate the invaluable contributions of carers and work towards building a more caring and compassionate society for all.