Training blog - New Year, New Sessions, New Mug

We may be starting the New Year back in the old familiar routine of homeworking, but we have a whole completely new series of topics for our free sessions this year and I have a brand new mug for my at home work cuppa!

We will be welcoming some familiar faces and also welcoming new trainers. Returning due to popular demand we have sessions in January and February being delivered by Andrew Deighton from AWD Development Solutions, our very own Community Chesterfield manager Jenny and Professor Alex Nunn from the University of Derby. Then into March we are looking forward to working with new trainers Derbyshire Police and Community Organisers.

I am also excited by the range of discussions we have coming up for our regular Connect & Reflect sessions, where we all have the opportunity to learn from each other and make the links that can be particularly challenging to make when we are in the world of hybrid working.

All our sessions are relaxed, family and pet friendly. Please do not hesitate to join us, even if you are dialing in from an active work or home environment. Consumption of food and drink during is also highly encouraged - so grab a drink and a snack and I look forward to welcoming you into my home!

Here is a summary of our upcoming sessions –

·       19th January 9.00 – 9.45: Training & Tea – Solving Problems & Generating Ideas

We’re faced with problems to solve and challenges to meet and overcome on a daily basis. Sometimes it can be difficult to ‘step back’ from the situation and generate options and solutions to move things forwards.

·       25th January 10.00 – 12.00 Relationship and Stakeholder Mapping

Relationship mapping is a good way to evaluate the organisations and individuals within and around your organisation who can bring huge benefits to the work that you are doing. At this short session, learn a simple way to analyse and evaluate your relationships and take home ideas and tools to improve them in the future

·       26th January 9.00 – 9.45: Training & Tea – Personal Development Planning

Are you neglecting your own development? Would you like to be more effective at developing the people who work for you? Many people involved in the voluntary or charity sectors focus on their organisations but neglect themselves.

·       Starting on the 31st January. Personal and Workplace Resilience – A hybrid course with individual e-learning, facilitated live online sessions and an in-person workshop You will need to commit to attending five sessions to complete the course.

Are you feeling stressed out by the sheer pressure of daily life? Our resilience course gives you the strategies you need to deal with the ups and downs life throws at us. Start getting rid of your stress levels now by learning how to focus on what you can change, rather than on what you can’t.

·       2nd February 9.00 – 9.45: Training & Tea – Becoming more Assertive

Assertive behaviour builds strong relationships. It’s about respecting both yourself and the other person without compromising either of your rights as a human being. It allows you to express your needs, wants, feelings, opinions and beliefs in a direct, honest and appropriate way. It also allows others to feel heard and understood even though you may not necessarily agree with them.

·       8th February 12.00 – 13.30: Connect & Reflect: Identity and Intersectionality

·       9th February 9.00 – 9.45: Training & Tea – Managing your time more effectively

One of the most frequent things we say or hear is “I wish I had more time”. This session will introduce some practical tools and techniques to help you manage your time and your workload more effectively.

·       Start now and then attend a live session on 15th February 12.00 – 13.30. Evaluation - what, why, how and when?

This event booking is for the LIVE Q & A  and planning workshop section of the course. By signing up you will also be given access to series of bite size pre-recorded lectures and further 1:1  or small group support after the session. See Eventbrite for a full course outline of self-directed sessions to be completed before this workshop.

·       2nd  March 12.00 – 14.00 CyberAware Training

This session is to support individuals, organisations & communities to become safer online, more aware of fraudulent activity and cybercrime and to reduce the chance of individuals falling victim to these offences.

·       8th March - 12.00 – 13.30: Connect & Reflect Sustainability & Environmental Impact

·       March 2022 9.00 – 9.45: Training & Tea: Community Organising Training

Four separate bitesize sessions exploring the framework and principles that underpin community organising and how it relates to other approaches.

9th March 9.00 – 9.45: Training & Tea –What is Community Organising?

16th March 9.00 – 9.45: Training & Tea –An Introduction to Listening. 23rd March 9.00 – 9.45: Training & Tea – An Introduction to Power

30th March 9.00 – 9.45: Training & Tea – The Power of Stories

·       10th May 10th - 12.00 – 13.30: Connect & Reflect: Supporting Volunteers & Volunteering.

If you can’t make any of those times and would prefer more flexibility you can also take advantage of our E-Learning offer, which you can complete in your own time when in suits you.

Assessing Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Online Training is available to book here now!

If you are interested in any of the following topics I may be able to help, so please get in touch with me at

·       Adult Safeguarding

·       GDPR

·       Stress Management

·       Time Management

·       Negotiation

·       Leadership Skills,

·       Introduction to Emotional Intelligence,

·       Self Awareness & Personal Development,

·       Effective Delegation

See you soon!


Community Chesterfield