Participants on Marketing and PR for Beginners course tell their story

We were delighted with the response to our ‘Marketing and PR for Beginners’ course. Three half-day sessions ran during October in response to a strongly stated need by community organisations in Chesterfield for support & learning around the promotion of their work. It ran here at the St Helena Chesterfield Campus of the University of Derby and was facilitated by Kate Dawson of the excellent Well Read PR. The course was oversubscribed and we now have a waiting list for another! Sessions were attended by participants from 10 local organisations around key topics such as: PR & marketing for not-for-profit groups, branding, storytelling, using social media and handling printed and broadcast outlets. Comments from participants included: “a fantastic and knowledgeable tutor” ; “I found the whole course amazing. From a true beginner status I feel this has been very helpful”; “I can’t wait until you put another course on, I found this incredibly useful”. If you are a community or voluntary organisation in Chesterfield do get in touch with us about this or other opportunities.

Community Chesterfield