Pay attention to your Feelings – A Work Life Balance Blog by Jenny

We all know a good work life balance is important; and we all know how difficult it can be. In the community sector people are passionate, dedicated and people work really hard. It can be difficult to not go over and above when, a) you work for a charity where you often ask people to give money or their time for free and b) the work you do feels vital and makes a difference in the world – the cause is one you believe in. This can sometimes make, unintentionally, a culture in which leaving on time, or declining to help out when asked is impossible. As someone who leads a team, I try to be very conscious of this and feel it is really important to not ask for additional hours too often, to honour time off in lieu and to support employees to leave on time. My current role means that I work with many healthcare professionals – and I am realising that the factors above create even more pressure on them.

Another reason, why creating and maintaining a healthy work life balance is hard, in my opinion, is that the situation and your needs change. Just when you think you have it worked out pretty well, something changes. A colleague or situation creates more work on a short timescale or your circumstances change, or you have a holiday or are sick for a week and you have to catch up.  

I think the best lesson to be learned from this is to acknowledge that it is ok to find it hard to strike the perfect balance. However, stopping to think how you are feeling, or stopping to ask how your colleagues are feeling can be really helpful.

In a previous role I always worked overtime, I believed it was for the reasons listed above, but then, unexpectedly my home situation changed and shortly afterwards I started to look forward to going home and I found it easy to leave on time. With hindsight it was obvious that there were bigger issues than just my work. More recently, out of goodwill I joined a stress-busting session. At the session we were asked, “When did you do something just for yourself?” I didn’t have an answer. I 100% love my life currently, but with two small children at home it is difficult. Being asked this question was important for me. I had been so busy getting on with things, I hadn’t even stopped to realise just how hard it can sometimes be. I had never acknowledged to myself that it is difficult and given myself some kindness for it. Being asked this question and stopping to realise this has now led me to make some changes in my life.

So ask yourself these questions, ask your colleagues these questions and really stop to listen:

When did you last do something for yourself?

How do you feel right now?

What are you finding difficult at the moment?

What makes you feel happy?

Be curious and ask a follow up question or two – it can really make a difference.


Jenny Raschbauer, Community Chesterfield Project Director.


If you would like to find out more about some of the subjects mentioned in this ‘Work Life Balance Blog Series’ such as: Working Styles & Preferences: understanding yours and flexing to help others, Building and Developing an Exceptional Team, Managing Difficult Conversations or Facilitation Skills – Have a look at our new Training and Tea sessions.


Lasting for 45 minutes these courses are short, convenient and held online via Zoom. Booking is via Eventbrite and all the sessions can be found here Places are limited.


FREE for Community, Voluntary or Third Sector organisations and groups in Chesterfield & NE Derbyshire* AND staff / students of the University of Derby – funded for you by Community Chesterfield.

*£20 for everyone else. (T’c & C’s apply)

Community Chesterfield