Experts by Experience: Community Groups
“The experience of sitting in a professional setting and having responsibility is something I hadn't experienced since having my stroke and it's made me realise this is still possible. With limited reading ability now, this has affected my confidence. It's probably something I wouldn't have done in any other setting so appreciate the opportunity” Eric Gibson, stroke survivor, supported with student nursing interviews.
“I would like to thank Alison and Katherine for their support, I really enjoyed my time with the students…some very knowledgeable students who asked some very interesting questions, I would be very happy to come along again” Christine Mitchell, Spina Bifida patient and amputee, talked to students about the care she has received from nurses & healthcare professionals
Have you had valuable life experience which you could share with others? Has your journey impacted on your outlook of life? Would you like to share your story with others to improve their understanding?
We would love to support you to be an “Expert by Experience”, this means that you can share your journey with students and others, as well as being an ambassador for your community organisation and giving other people with similar experiences a voice.
Community Chesterfield we are often asked to find someone who can share their stories with students or others to enhance their understanding. We frequently seek to find people who have relevant lived experience of being someone with a long term (mental) health condition, complex medical needs, a family carer, and many other life-impacting situations.
If you are an organisation who would like your service users to take part, or are someone who uses a community organisations’ support and would like to be part of this programme- please contact us for more information.
Interested? Please get in touch with Alison Gibson