Watch our latest 'Community Chats With Alison' video!

One thing we missed hugely here at Community Chesterfield during the COVID pandemic was being able to spend time with the lovely community and voluntary groups that we work alongside.

We have been fortunate to keep in close contact with them during the pandemic and have supported many of them virtually through some of the work we do, including our online training and shared learning workshops, but nothing beats spending time with people face to face.

Since restrictions have lifted however, our community development worker, Alison, has been keen to get back out there in the community, seeing people and finding out all about how they have dealt with the pandemic and what we can do to support them going forward.

One of the groups the team has been to see is the Asian Association of Chesterfield, where we were lucky enough to join them for their delicious Luncheon Club and put our pizza making skills to the test. We have also visited Pathways of Chesterfield, where we went along to their furniture restoration group which allows their clients to upcycle donated furniture to go in their new homes once they move in.

Hear more about these two amazing groups and what Alison has been up to over the last month in our latest ‘Community Chats with Alison’ video!

Community Chesterfield