Fundraising – how to make robust plans that work for you

Anna Clyne, Director of MTH Consulting, is delivering a series of Training and Tea sessions for us in the coming months covering the topic of fundraising – from devising a fundraising plan to an introduction to tendering and commissioning.

Anna has 15 years of experience working in frontline and management positions within the sector, most recently as Head of Grants and Contract Income for Home-Start UK. She specialises in supporting UK and international charities to understand impact, build a strategic approach to income generation and develop compelling funding approaches.

“The wave of emergency Covid-19 funding is trickling to an end now. You are probably realigning services to somewhere close to delivery before lockdowns and restrictions sent us all into crisis mode. It would be great to go back to normal, but everything feels ever so slightly different. So what does this mean for our fundraising?

Long gone are the days where we can rely on funding from local authorities or the same funders year on year. Local authorities are cutting back their own services and this means traditional grant aid relationships are now few and far between. Many trusts and foundations are honing in their priorities further and further and long term funders such as the National Lottery Community Fund are still wanting to see more sustainable thinking.

Now the schools have gone back and we have all hopefully had a well-deserved break it is time to reflect on what has happened, what has been achieved, the environment around us and make solid plans for the future of our services. And fundraising is going to be more crucial than ever.

There have been changes and whilst change can take some getting used to, there is a lot to be optimistic about. Public trust in charities seems to be back to where it was before the safeguarding scandals. Despite in-person events not being possible, individual giving held up throughout the pandemic. Charitable donations through legacy gifts in wills have risen considerably over the past few years and more than ever during Covid-19. Despite gloomy predictions for trusts and foundation giving, they too have had to consider their role. In doing this many have widened their remit, funding costs they wouldn’t have before and releasing more funds than normal. They have streamlined their processes and in many cases are working better together.

If you are wondering where you fit and how you approach this new world, then these practical webinars will help to guide you, to focus your fundraising activities and make robust plans that work for you and those who rely on your services.”

Anna will deliver the following topics in her Training and Tea series. Click on each individual session to book your place.

The training is free to University of Derby staff and students with a connection to Chesterfield, as well as those working at or volunteering for Derbyshire-based not for profit community organisations helping people in Chesterfield.

Some subsidised tickets are also now available for anyone living or working in Derbyshire.


Community Chesterfield