Unlocking Impact: A Shared Learning Workshop with Derbyshire Voluntary Action

Picture this: a bustling room filled with passionate individuals, all dedicated to making a real difference in their communities. That's the scene that unfolded at The University of Derby Chesterfield site last week during a shared learning workshop hosted by Derbyshire Voluntary Action (DVA). It was a gathering of minds, a celebration of collaboration, and a call to action for anyone ready to roll up their sleeves and dive into the transformative world of impact and evaluation.

Why Impact Matters:

Impact isn't just a buzzword – it's the heartbeat of the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. It's what drives us to wake up every morning and pour our hearts into the work we do. It’s the difference we make. But let's face it – measuring impact isn't always easy. That's why events like these are so important. They give us a chance to come together, share our struggles, learn from one another, and discuss ways to make it easier.

A Gathering of Minds:

As participants arrived at the space The University of Derby Chesterfield site, we saw a room bursting with experience. From seasoned veterans to emerging leaders, the room was a tapestry of diverse perspectives and unwavering dedication to making a difference in our communities. It was a testament to the unwavering spirit of collaboration and shared learning that defines the VCSE sector.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Impact Measurement:

Guided by leadership from Derbyshire Voluntary Action, the workshop delved into the intricacies of measuring and reporting impact – a topic often shrouded in complexity and uncertainty. Through a series of presentations, interactive exercises, and real-world examples from across the room, participants gained invaluable insights into the art and science of impact evaluation.

Creating a Better Way:

As discussions unfolded, a resounding theme emerged – the need for a better way of recording and reporting data that truly captures the essence of the work being done in the VCSE sector. From qualitative storytelling to data visualization, participants discussed a host of strategies for conveying the transformative impact of their organisations' efforts, and what was needed and expected of them.

Viewing Impact Through a New Lens:

One of the aspects of the workshop was the exploration of impact measurement through the lens of the "5 Ways to Wellbeing." This innovative approach challenged participants to rethink traditional methods of data collection and reporting, placing a greater emphasis on holistic well-being and human connection. Can we create a future where using this framework standardises how we view evaluations, and report impact by measuring against this criteria?

Inspiring Stories of Change:

Throughout the workshop, participants shared inspiring stories of change and transformation, communicating the profound impact of their work on individuals, families, and communities. From empowering youth through education to providing vital support services for vulnerable populations, the stories served as powerful reminders of the incredible ripple effect created by the VCSE sector.

A Call to Action:

The shared learning workshop was not just an event – it was a catalyst for transformation, collaboration, and collective action. As we move forward together, let us continue to review and improve the process and power of impact and evaluation to create a stronger voice for the VCSE.

Your Invitation to Join:

If you're reading this, you're already a part of something special. You care about making a difference. You believe in the power of community. And you're not afraid to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. So take the next step and join the movement with Derbyshire Voluntary Action.

Together, let's make a difference.